The PacerD Bundle - Installation Screenshots
The PacerD Bundle - Ben Edelman

All screenshots were captured in April 2005.

[ Installation Prompt | New Toolbars & Icons | New Folders | New Files | License Agreement ]


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Installation Prompt


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New Toolbars & Icons

Note two new web browser toolbars added, and six new desktop icons, all advertising or promoting content provided by PacerD partners.


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New Folders Created

Note new folders created, included FwBar Temp, Toolbar, VBouncer, AdDestroyer, BullsEye, CashBack, and NaviSearch.


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New Files Created in c:\Windows

Note new files created, included multiple files for ShopAtHomeSelect (flagged with a red box), identifiable via their distinctive "S" logo. See details about ShopAtHomeSelect's practices, including improper installations and improper claiming of affiliate commissions.


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License Agreement

License is eight on-screen pages in length, 1,951 words. Note mention of bundled software at page four. Note arbitration terms at page eight.