WhenU Advertisements - Homes & Home Improvement
Advertisers Using WhenU - Ben Edelman
This page gives advertisements that I placed in the category "Homes & Home Improvement." This page gives one such advertisement per advertiser. See also a full listing of all WhenU ads from these advertisers.
Ads were listed in WhenU's advertisement directory as of June 25, 2004. However, the WhenU advertisement directory can change at any time -- adding new ads or removing existing ads.
Clicking on an ad will generally open that ad in a separate window, allowing interested users to view the ads full-size and to test of what destination URL results from clicking on the ads. However, JavaScript within the ad will often move or resize that window quickly. For best viewing of the ads, disable JavaScript within your web browser.
My thumbnail system is imperfect, and the representations below are intended only as a guide to advertisement contents. Font sizes and shapes may be distorted, advertisements may be cropped or stretched, etc. For ads with animated GIFs or flash animations, my thumbnails generally only show the first frame of the ad, which may not depict the ad's major content. For official reference purposes, see the actual ads as hosted on WhenU's servers, at the URLs listed below.
aud_house501 - http://www.whenu.com/pop_up/aud_house501_popup.html
caw_bargain101 - http://www.whenu.com/pop_up/caw_bargain101_popup.html
This advertiser also runs 4 other advertisements on WhenU.
cj_bqdiy201 - http://www.whenu.com/pop_up/cj_bqdiy201_popup.html
This ad uses affiliate codes to track click-throughs. Affiliate codes allow WhenU to create ads and receive payments from the destination merchants with or without the knowledge, consent, or informed consent of those merchants. I will discuss this subject in greater detail in a future article.
cxt_sunset101 - http://www.whenu.com/pop_up/cxt_sunset101_popup.html
This advertiser also runs 8 other advertisements on WhenU.
fci_ziprealty101 - http://www.whenu.com/pop_up/fci_ziprealty101_popup.html
This advertiser also runs 4 other advertisements on WhenU.
pf_smithnoble301 - http://www.whenu.com/pop_up/pf_smithnoble301_popup.html
tbg_balticpine101 - http://www.whenu.com/pop_up/tbg_balticpine101_popup.html
This advertiser also runs 4 other advertisements on WhenU.
tbg_ewindow101 - http://www.whenu.com/pop_up/tbg_ewindow101_popup.html
This advertiser also runs 5 other advertisements on WhenU.
tbg_webblinds101 - http://www.whenu.com/pop_up/tbg_webblinds101_popup.html
This advertiser also runs 4 other advertisements on WhenU.
tfv_safety4life101 - http://www.whenu.com/pop_up/tfv_safety4life101_popup.html
This advertiser also runs 9 other advertisements on WhenU.