Benjamin Edelman - Invited Presentations
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The listings below reflect a portion of Ben's recent invited presentations.
- Internet
Filtering Worldwide: The Technologies of Filtering and Their Unexpected Consequences.
UNDP Global Meeting on ICT for
Development. Ottawa, Canada. July 10, 2003.
- Internet
Filtering Worldwide: The Technologies of Filtering and Their Unexpected Consequences.
World Press Freedom Committee Internet
Press Freedom Conference. New York, New York. June 27, 2003.
- Internet
Filtering Worldwide: How to Respond When Your Sites and Emails are Blocked.
American Chamber of Commerce in Japan. Tokyo,
Japan. June 23, 2003.
- Filtering Spam: New Perspectives on the False-Positive/False-Negative
Tradeoff (slides,
Oxford Internet Institute. Oxford, United
Kingdom. June 18, 2003.
- Internet
Filtering Worldwide: The Technologies of Filtering and Their Unexpected Consequences
and Influence
of Code and Companies on the Freedom of the Internet. OSCE
Conference on Freedom of the Media and the Internet. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
June 13, 2003.
- Internet
Filtering Worldwide: The Technologies of Filtering and Their Unexpected Consequences.
ISOC Turkey. Istanbul, Turkey. June 11, 2003.
- Internet
Filtering Worldwide: The Technologies of Filtering and Their Unexpected Consequences.
China and the Internet Conference,
USC Annenberg School for Communication. May
30, 2003.
- "Adware" and "Spyware": Research Methods. Berkman
Center Fellows Lunch. May 7, 2003.
- Edelman v. N2H2 and Internet
Filtering Research Generally. Copyright
Law and Digital Works, University of Kansas
School of Law (by teleconference). April 10, 2003.
- Internet
Filtering Worldwide: The Technologies of Filtering and Their Unexpected Consequences.
Computers, Freedom & Privacy (plenary session).
New York, New York. April 3, 2003.
- China and the Internet: A New
Revolution? Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace Lunch Panel. Washington, DC. March 14, 2003.
- Internet
Filtering: Implementations, Accuracy, and Best Practices. APRICOT
2003. Taipei, Taiwan. February 27, 2003.
- Internet Filtering &
Transparency. With Jonathan
Zittrain. Berkman Center Fellows
Lunch. February 13, 2003.
- Internet Filtering Roundtable. Voice
of America / International Broadcasting Internet
Bureau / Radio Free Asia. Washington, DC.
December 17, 2002.
- Internet Filtering Worldwide. Information
Society Project, Yale Law School. New
Haven, Connecticut. December 16, 2002.
- Work in CIPA and goals in Edelman
v. N2H2. Technology and Liberty Program Project Highlights, ACLU
National Policy Review. Washington, DC. October 8, 2002.
- Mock legislative
session. Kennedy School of Government.
Spring 2002. Mock expert testimony re strengths and shortcomings of filtering
- Internet & Society.
Harvard Law School, Spring 2002. Substance
and technology in various sessions, including domain names, Internet filtering,
television retransmission, and geolocation.
- Pornography and Jurisdiction
& Zoning. ILAW Conference.
June 1-5, 2002. With Jonathan
- Scribing (notes
available). APRICOT 2002. Bangkok,
Thailand. March 5-6, 2002.
- Design and Constraints of Internet Filtering
Software. Federal Communications Commission.
February 16, 2001.